My hypothesis
No qualified person in the world is confident enough that the COVID vaccines saved lives to agree to debate me on what the record-level data shows in the Kirsch Auditorium at MIT on Nov. 30 at 6pm.
Let’s put my hypothesis to a test!
I’m inviting any qualified person to debate me on the record-level data I have which shows unambiguously that the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide.
I will supply you with the data, I will explain how I authenticated it, and I’ll even give you all the analysis tools I used. All in advance of the debate.
I will also pay your airfare, hotel expenses, and an additional $2,000 just for showing up.
Any takers? If there is more than one person who accepts, I’ll choose the most qualified person.
To apply: Apply here
To see who applied: You can see who has applied here
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