Who wants to be a millionaire?


Staff member
According to mainstream science, vaccines don’t cause autism. You can see it right here:

I’m willing to bet $1M (and I’m willing to go higher) that vaccines do cause autism.

The data (both directly collected by me as well as independently collected by doctors I know) shows that there is less than 2.2e-14 chance I’m wrong. Scientists lie all the time, but Poisson distributions never lie.

I’ve developed a structure for settling scientific questions like this with Saar Wilf who believes the COVID vaccines saved more lives than they killed. He put up $500K and his money and my money are in an escrow account and our debate starts later this month.

Why no takers?​

If the science is so clear cut, why won’t ANYONE in the world accept my offer?

Their only “excuse” is that the terms aren’t fair, but I’m happy to make any reasonable changes to the agreement Saar and I signed if there are any unfair terms. So that’s just an excuse. I want to have this debate happen so I’m highly motivated to negotiate as long as the terms are fair to both sides.

The real reason nobody is taking my bet is because they know vaccines cause autism and they don’t want to lose their money.

Money is a great way to differentiate who is telling the truth from who is lying​

If you want to know who is telling the truth, the willingness to back your beliefs with your money is a VERY reliable indicator.

I make these bets to show the world that nobody is willing to put their money where their mouth is. They are happy to sacrifice your kids’ health to these vaccines, but when it comes to risking their money on their strongly held beliefs? No way.

So… any takers?

Could you use an extra $100K?​

If you find someone to accept my bet, I’ll pay you 10% of the winnings if you are the person who found the counterparty.

It’s important that this debate happens. Let’s settle the question.

Accept in the comments and we’ll negotiate a definitive written agreement just like I did with Saar.


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