Sheboygan County For Freedoms and other local freedom groups are partnering with The Sheboygan County GOP to concentrate on winning the local April 2022 elections. Below are several suggestions made at a recent meeting:
There is strength in numbers, so we will work together toward some common goals
We would like to help Russ Otten win the position of Chairman of The Republican Party of Sheboygan County
To do that, we need delegates to vote for him at the Sheboygan GOP caucus on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 9 a.m. at the GOP office at 1122 Indiana Ave
To be able to vote, you must be a member of the GOP no later than 10 days before the caucus.
Attached is the RPSC membership form which can be filled out and mailed with your check to the GOP office
Sheboygan County For Freedoms will remain autonomous and continue to be active in addressing local concerns in our county. Our emphasis remains to inform the public of issues that need all of our action and participation to make our county a better place to live by electing and encouraging conservative candidates to run for local offices.
If you know of any SCFF member who has not yet signed up for our email list, please forward this message to them and encourage them to sign up today. Thank You! GOP Application