@Thomas Leager will be interviewing me tonight on his podcast.
He's my outline of topics to cover -
He's my outline of topics to cover -
- Get Your House In Order. How can you expect to join or make a group if your own focus and inventory isn't taken care of first.
- Faith
- Family
- Preps
- Communication
- Finances / Trade Items
- What Are Your Strengths & Weaknesses? - What value do you bring to the table for a group?
- Specializations Overview https://uspc.us/categories/specializations.7/
- How To Find Or Create A MAG (Mutual Assistance Group) - After your house is in order, and you know what you and your household bring to the table, it's time to find or make a group in your area.
- What is a MAG?
- How Do You Find or Make a MAG
- How do MAGs work with one another? Examples we'll use how USPC does MAGS.
- How is a MAG different than a Militia and when does a MAG turn into a Militia or start a militant arm of their organization?
- What's Likely To Happen During The Crash There are loads of books, studies, and focus groups dedicated to all parts of what's happening right now.
- How will your community respond?
- What's going to change pertaining to your household safety and security?
- What's going to happen to your retirement and retirement plan?
- How can your MAG work to provide what's needed?