The $1M COVID vaccine debate is now fully funded


Staff member

A humorous digital illustration inspired by the character Dr. Evil from the classic movie scene, where he holds his pinky to his mouth with a mischievous expression, seated at a table. The caption One Million Dollars is displayed in bold text beneath him. Background elements hint at a retro-style villain’s lair, maintaining a comedic and playful atmosphere. The image is in a cinematic 16:9 aspect ratio.

Executive summary​

Question: Did the COVID vaccine kill more people than it saved?

I’m pleased to report that my bet with rootclaim founder Saar Wilf on is now fully funded. Each of us put up $500K.

The winner of the debate gets the pot.

I have great respect for Saar because he’s willing to put his money where his mouth is. Nobody else who supports the vaccines is willing to do that.

I bet you can guess which side of this issue I will be arguing.

We found two high quality judges to determine the winner.

The debate which will mostly be in written form. CNN has agreed to livestream the live debate part.

The debate will start at the end of November.

OK, just kidding about CNN. :)

The rest is absolutely real!

I’m thrilled.

Saar was the ONLY person in the entire world who was willing to accept my bet at any amount over $250K.

There is a reason for that. All the reliable evidence is consistent: the vaccines were a disaster.

Will the live debate part be livestreamed?​

Not sure yet. Saar hasn’t decided. Would you like to see it?

Saar is currently thinking about whether to raise the bet to $1M​

I said I’d immediately accept if he wants to do that.

If anyone reading this wants to bet $500K against me, including any drug company, we can add you to the pool and I’ll match it.


I’ve been asking people for years now to explain the evidence. But to date, all I get is pretty lame hand-waving arguments.

Finally, I now have someone who has a significant financial interest in explaining the data as to how I got it wrong. I’m looking forward to being educated.

There are 62 million people in the world who are worth $1M or more. Only one felt confident that the vaccines worked. What does that tell you? It tells me I’m on the right side of the issue.

It also tells me that nobody at the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, EMA or any of the vaccine manufacturers have any confidence in the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines that they are willing to risk money on it (they could always start a pool).

They are willing to risk your life, but not their money.

That’s how science works.


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