Name Change

Ryan Harden

Website Administrator
Staff member
After the signing of the IRS Army bill yesterday, we'll be changing the name of this group to a more generic self-reliant group name and taking out all mentions of patriotic items. Yesterday, the government signed it's own death sentence. While the good people are slowly changing government back from the tyrannical totalitarianism we see today, if you look at history, you'll see a pattern emerge of any nation where a country was taken over. I believe they may try and stop the November election with some war, crisis, or the next virus (the last one was only a practice run). They can't let us vote and this last bill signed yesterday proves that. They are rushing though items to stay in power.

Please remember that no electronic communication is safe. You phone, email, private signal groups, telegram, all of it can be hack, tracked, and used against you. Every single device that's around you is listening and can report words or phrases back to whoever they want. I strongly urge you to stop using signal, telegram, and other false "secure" sources. The only secure home is one without listening devices. Obviously you can't go without a phone, but you can get faraday bags for under $20 to pack your phone into when you get home. We should be making it a practice to take back our privacy from big tech, spying agencies, and marketing giants. It's not as hard as you may think. Simply turn off and unplug electronics when not in use. You can eliminate 98% of privacy issues by simply unplugging them.

So what are we to do about communication? Get ham radios for long distance communication, GMRS radios and handhelds for short distance communication, buy paper and ink and write letters, know that there are many groups here that already do this and we hand messages and penpals across great distances through the trucker network and more. We do not use the postal service because all mail is potentially scanned and read when it's processed. The sophistication of the postal scanners are quite remarkable, look them up yourself.

This isn't a call to action or of violence. This isn't a call to bug out or to put boots on the ground. This is a call to get together with your family and friends and make plans for communication, food, fuel, and any emergency. I urge you to look up what martial law is and what it allows the government to do. Please don't take this as a doom and gloom post, try and not dwell on the fact we lost our country... because we're going to get it back. Talk with your friends and family (your tribe) don't hold back with personal relationships. Talk more, not less. It's ok to be afraid, together with your tribe, you can manage fear, doubt, and make plans to survive any outcome.

We must get involved with local government and voice our frustration with our federal government. Many states may end up trying to succeed the union after this move, but that doesn't mean they are giving up the fight. Many states are aiming to revamp the federal government. Our military is aware of what's going on and soon, they too may begin making arrests and holding court more than what we see.

The food shortages are going to continue, the fuel issues will become greater as well. It's very possible that many people could not have heat in the snow belt this winter if things keep going the way they are now.

The IRS bought 5 million rounds of ammo earlier this year, now we know why.
"God has given to man no sharper spur to victory than contempt of death."

Hannibal 216 BC
Thinking something along these lines.
While Tribe is the ultimate focus, I've been thinking about the progression of sustainability through steps where people start with little knowledge or preps the the final stage which is a self-reliant, self-governing community.

I've secured and As Survivalist Learning Center website potentials. I think this fits more with all that we've been working on in the specializations. While "Tribe" is in there, Survival is everything. Everything we do will focus on learning and building something in your area. has some good info but appears to no longer be producing articles.
So whatever site is built, the app or community or forums or whatever (this part of the system) will have all the names removed, those who have posted, if it's not mission sensitive (which almost nothing is) will be moved over to that new system via profiles that will be renamed, with fake email addresses and nothing that can be traced back to this site or any user. We'll go back to anonymity so we can produce lots of content people can share, while also approving every post so people can't wreck what we're sharing. It'll be an insane amount of work... as usual, but then we'll have a system that can be used forever, books that can be printed on all subjects, and all material here that can be accessed and searched easily. It'll bring in thousands upon thousands of people, and we'll have a platform to help create groups that work.
After the signing of the IRS Army bill yesterday, we'll be changing the name of this group to a more generic self-reliant group name and taking out all mentions of patriotic items. Yesterday, the government signed it's own death sentence. While the good people are slowly changing government back from the tyrannical totalitarianism we see today, if you look at history, you'll see a pattern emerge of any nation where a country was taken over. I believe they may try and stop the November election with some war, crisis, or the next virus (the last one was only a practice run). They can't let us vote and this last bill signed yesterday proves that. They are rushing though items to stay in power.

Please remember that no electronic communication is safe. You phone, email, private signal groups, telegram, all of it can be hack, tracked, and used against you. Every single device that's around you is listening and can report words or phrases back to whoever they want. I strongly urge you to stop using signal, telegram, and other false "secure" sources. The only secure home is one without listening devices. Obviously you can't go without a phone, but you can get faraday bags for under $20 to pack your phone into when you get home. We should be making it a practice to take back our privacy from big tech, spying agencies, and marketing giants. It's not as hard as you may think. Simply turn off and unplug electronics when not in use. You can eliminate 98% of privacy issues by simply unplugging them.

So what are we to do about communication? Get ham radios for long distance communication, GMRS radios and handhelds for short distance communication, buy paper and ink and write letters, know that there are many groups here that already do this and we hand messages and penpals across great distances through the trucker network and more. We do not use the postal service because all mail is potentially scanned and read when it's processed. The sophistication of the postal scanners are quite remarkable, look them up yourself.

This isn't a call to action or of violence. This isn't a call to bug out or to put boots on the ground. This is a call to get together with your family and friends and make plans for communication, food, fuel, and any emergency. I urge you to look up what martial law is and what it allows the government to do. Please don't take this as a doom and gloom post, try and not dwell on the fact we lost our country... because we're going to get it back. Talk with your friends and family (your tribe) don't hold back with personal relationships. Talk more, not less. It's ok to be afraid, together with your tribe, you can manage fear, doubt, and make plans to survive any outcome.

We must get involved with local government and voice our frustration with our federal government. Many states may end up trying to succeed the union after this move, but that doesn't mean they are giving up the fight. Many states are aiming to revamp the federal government. Our military is aware of what's going on and soon, they too may begin making arrests and holding court more than what we see.

The food shortages are going to continue, the fuel issues will become greater as well. It's very possible that many people could not have heat in the snow belt this winter if things keep going the way they are now.

The IRS bought 5 million rounds of ammo earlier this year, now we know why.
After the signing of the IRS Army bill yesterday, we'll be changing the name of this group to a more generic self-reliant group name and taking out all mentions of patriotic items. Yesterday, the government signed it's own death sentence. While the good people are slowly changing government back from the tyrannical totalitarianism we see today, if you look at history, you'll see a pattern emerge of any nation where a country was taken over. I believe they may try and stop the November election with some war, crisis, or the next virus (the last one was only a practice run). They can't let us vote and this last bill signed yesterday proves that. They are rushing though items to stay in power.

Please remember that no electronic communication is safe. You phone, email, private signal groups, telegram, all of it can be hack, tracked, and used against you. Every single device that's around you is listening and can report words or phrases back to whoever they want. I strongly urge you to stop using signal, telegram, and other false "secure" sources. The only secure home is one without listening devices. Obviously you can't go without a phone, but you can get faraday bags for under $20 to pack your phone into when you get home. We should be making it a practice to take back our privacy from big tech, spying agencies, and marketing giants. It's not as hard as you may think. Simply turn off and unplug electronics when not in use. You can eliminate 98% of privacy issues by simply unplugging them.

So what are we to do about communication? Get ham radios for long distance communication, GMRS radios and handhelds for short distance communication, buy paper and ink and write letters, know that there are many groups here that already do this and we hand messages and penpals across great distances through the trucker network and more. We do not use the postal service because all mail is potentially scanned and read when it's processed. The sophistication of the postal scanners are quite remarkable, look them up yourself.

This isn't a call to action or of violence. This isn't a call to bug out or to put boots on the ground. This is a call to get together with your family and friends and make plans for communication, food, fuel, and any emergency. I urge you to look up what martial law is and what it allows the government to do. Please don't take this as a doom and gloom post, try and not dwell on the fact we lost our country... because we're going to get it back. Talk with your friends and family (your tribe) don't hold back with personal relationships. Talk more, not less. It's ok to be afraid, together with your tribe, you can manage fear, doubt, and make plans to survive any outcome.

We must get involved with local government and voice our frustration with our federal government. Many states may end up trying to succeed the union after this move, but that doesn't mean they are giving up the fight. Many states are aiming to revamp the federal government. Our military is aware of what's going on and soon, they too may begin making arrests and holding court more than what we see.

The food shortages are going to continue, the fuel issues will become greater as well. It's very possible that many people could not have heat in the snow belt this winter if things keep going the way they are now.

The IRS bought 5 million rounds of ammo earlier this year, now we know why.
I need to find out where to get one of those faraday bags.