Now that we are finally unburdened by what has been, here are my favorite “to do” list recommendations, in no particular order:
End the liability protection for all vaccine manufacturers. This was a huge mistake.
Require on-going active safety monitoring of all drugs by an independent company. Make the active monitoring data public. Start with vaccines.
End all local, state, and federal government mandated health directives including masks, vaccination, etc. for people and pets. Public agencies should be free to advise medical interventions but they should be prohibited from enforcing compliance with any directive that may negatively impact a person’s health. People should be consulting with their doctors about all medical interventions.
Compensate those injured by the COVID vaccine for their injuries.
Replace the heads of the CDC, NIH, HHS, and FDA with honest leaders who cannot be bought who have been speaking out publicly about the corruption of these agencies.
Immediately replace the outside committees of the CDC and FDA with honest, competent advisors. Wouldn’t it be great to put Dr. Pierre Kory in charge of ACIP, the CDC’s outside committee on vaccines?
Release the long-hidden NIH study of the vaccinated and unvaccinated so the world will finally know that the childhood vaccination schedule was a complete shit show and that the NIH buried the study?
Bring CDC scientist William Thompson and all the others who collaborated on the CDC 2004 autism study before Congress to testify that he was ordered by the CDC to selectively destroy just the data that linked vaccines in autism. Expose the corruption and the fact that the study absolutely showed the link (which is why Thompson was ordered to destroy the evidence).
The NIH should fund a large study looking at the temporal proximity between vaccination and first appearance of autism symptoms noticed by parents and expose this horrible crime for the entire world to see just how totally corrupt the CDC was and make it crystal clear to the world that vaccines are the major cause of autism.
Do an NIH funded study that looks into the relationship between vaccination compliance and chronic disease to show the public the truth that the evidence has been there for decades and no one wanted to look that vaccines are the primary cause of most chronic disease in America. The odds ratios are huge for most chronic diseases.
Get rid of fluoride added to drinking water. Over 600 communities have done this on their own in defiance of the CDC because the data is so compelling. Time to extend this to the entire country.
Stop all funding of outside groups pushing vaccines. Shift funding to groups who have been exposing the dangers of vaccines.
Order government agencies to stop influencing social media companies.
Protect the free speech rights of doctors making it a criminal offense for medical boards to strip doctors of their credentials based on what they say.
The NIH should announce that it will suspend for 4 years all medical research grants to any academic institution where there is clear evidence of intimidation by the school administration on trying to censor the medical academic research by faculty members. This happens today and it is a prime reason why the public isn’t hearing the truth about the COVID vaccines.
STOP rewarding hospitals for COVID deaths. Do the opposite: recognize and reward hospitals who achieve the lowest COVID case fatality rates.
Protect hospital whistleblowers and provide incentives for those who come forward and expose hospital corruption.
Make it illegal for hospitals to tell their staff things like “you are not allowed to blame the vaccine” or similar directives. This exists in all hospitals today and it causes patients to be gaslighted. This practice has to stop.
We need to make public health data public especially for all vaccines. States should be required to make record level data vaccination records available for all vaccines and this should supercede any provisions in HIPAA. In other words, record level data where the person is ONLY identified by their year of birth, but all the other information is by exact dates, including date of death. Public transparency of vaccination data would immediately expose the fraud.
Let’s have a public vaccine debate between RFK Jr. and a prominent pro-vaccine advocate like Peter Hotez or Paul Offit. No more excuses for these people to back down.
It’s time to allow broader access to query medical databases such as the Vaccine Safety Datalink. This database is for use by researchers only and access is tightly controlled. The database should be open to all qualified researchers who agree to keep patient data confidential but no other restrictions. You shouldn’t have to have your project approved. We shouldn’t be hiding these databases. They can save lives.
And more…
See my original article:

RFK Jr's 12-part plan to make America Healthy again
Executive summary…
Read more
2 months ago · 611 likes · 421 comments · Steve Kirsch
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