Lewie's Custom Raised Beef
5098 County Road T Oshkosh, WI 54904
(920) 410-5476
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We at Lewie’s Custom Raised Beef take pride in raising our animals. We believe in ensuring you get the proper flavor and tenderness achieved with corn.
We use a consistent feeding program of hay, grass and corn with vitamins & minerals. Corn gives the meat a rich lean and mellow flavor. When cattle are fed less corn and more grass, the meat can have a sharp more wild flavor. By feeding corn to our cattle, you are getting a top quality & consistent beef product.
A side of beef or half beef (1/2 beef), is sold by the hanging weight before it is trimmed & cut. A 1/2 beef is roughly 300-350 pounds of meat.
A split side of beef or quarter beef (1/4 beef), is sold by the hanging weight, which is the weight before it is trimmed & cut. A 1/4 beef is roughly 150 pounds of meat.
**Whole beef is available upon request**
Lewie’s Custom Raised Beef works with Roskum Meats, Kaukauna for beef processing.