
Super Duty Power Perfect Box
Whole home energy management system for concerns about excessive levels of EMI and EMF. Reduce dirty electricity and eliminate EMF radiation in homes 2,500 square feet or more. Electricity cleaner and voltage regulator.

We have installed a whole house filter from power perfect in hopes of giving our body's a little break from the constant bombardment of electric emf's and dirty electric. It is very impressive the difference this unit makes. We've tested before and after levels, huge change. Since the forcing of the smart meter with two-way communication installation, we decided we needed to upgrade to hopefully combat it and the already dirty electric. I believe it was worth every cent. If anyone is interested in seeing results of the installation, please let me know. I can also attest to how bad led lights are to contributing to the dirty electric. Still in the works to reducing more, but Wi-Fi is shut down every night with hopes of hardwiring soon, and also looking to turn power off completely to bedroom at night to help the repair process of our bodies while getting good sleep. Also considering emf/radio wave protection for the room too. Anyone else's input who's done anything in this regards would be appreciated. We run on electrical signals, and being poisoned by these every second of every day has to affect our health.