Baofeng BF-F8HP Knock Off Caution


John Cress

Baofeng BF-F8HP.

Use caution when buying from Amazon and please make sure it is actually the BF-F8HP.
Because there are lots of fakes out there.

Box should look like this:

View attachment 2726

The front panel of the unit should like like the image
<<< one the left.

View attachment 2725

If not, it not even be an actual Baofeng.
UV5Rs have 4 watts. BF-F8HPs have 8 watts.
You may have a UV5R knock off made to look like something else.

And what if it is not the one on the left?!!
Return it.
These have no warranty, unless it was sold though Amazon or directly by a US authorized dealer - Baofeng Tech** or Radioddity**

Factory UV5Rs typically cost around $25.
The very nice Baofeng factory 3800mA extended batteries (I have two) are around $20 each
Amazon product

The rest of the kit, other than the charger and battery, are usually junk.
(aftermarket antennas from Nagoya and Diamond are $25 and up, and they are worth the extra $)

Factory BF-F8HP Baofengs are usually priced at around $70 (and worth it, if from an authorized dealer**)
Amazon product

Make sure you are paying for the actual thing you want to buy and use in the field.

Just my $0.02