A.I. The End Of Human Control

Ryan Harden

Website Administrator
Staff member
If you play online, you will become their puppet. The AI technology will be able to manipulate anything that's digital. The dangers of AI will be exasperated with its use to confuse and coerce. I believe it's already being used as a weapon to separate people and to make people feel as lonely as possible to do Very Bad Things.

Get off Social media
Get off your phones
The internet is a plague, causing humankind sickness.
If you play online, you will become their puppet. The AI technology will be able to manipulate anything that's digital. The dangers of AI will be exasperated with its use to confuse and coerce. I believe it's already being used as a weapon to separate people and to make people feel as lonely as possible to do Very Bad Things.

Get off Social media
Get off your phones
The internet is a plague, causing humankind sickness.

This is crappin' creepy‼️

Another warning about how Google, Bing, Amazon, etc. Are racing for AI domination, which will end with the enslavement of the human species. There will be nowhere to hide, every server will host and hide AI chunks, the Supreme being will be able to collectively control all digital devices, and thus... human thought.

This is one of the reasons why I've been trying to get the ham radio networks in our wheelhouse. I believe very soon that in order to survive and have power, we'll be fighting the machines who can control and hack anything online including your bank accounts and criminal history. Yes, you should print off your non-criminal history, that's how they'll take out people like us. Simply make up a criminal history and let dumb humans take care of the rest. Get to a place where you know your sheriff's office, be in a rural community. Have a strong tribe. AI can't break the bonds of human connection if those connections are made outside of the digital space. Very soon, all social media will be compromised.