Patriot Lessons American History and Civics

Patriot Lessons American History and Civics.

Signers of the Declaration of Independence - Part 5

56 brave men signed the Declaration of Independence. Not all voted for it, and not all who voted for it signed it. Each of the signers was remarkable in his own way, and pledged his life, fortune, and sacred honor to the Declaration. This episode explores the lives of final 10 signers: John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry, Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery, Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott, and Matthew Thorton. Also check out the relaunched...

Signers of the Declaration of Independence - Part 4

56 brave men signed the Declaration of Independence. Not all voted for it, and not all who voted for it signed it. Each of the signers was remarkable in his own way, and pledged his life, fortune, and sacred honor. This episode explores the lives of 9 of the signers: Lewis Morris, Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark, Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, and Samuel Adams. Also check out, Judge Warren’s book at

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence - Comparing Jefferson's draft to the final signed version

Thomas Jefferson was the primary draftsman of the Declaration of Independence, but Congress made over 80 different changes. Listen to Jefferson's original version and then review the changes made by Congress. Learn which of the revisions significantly improved his prose - including some of its most famous passages, and learn which revisions were simply unforgivable - such as deleting Jefferson's powerful condemnation of the slave trade. Also check out, Judge Warren's book at...

July 4th, 1776 & the Declaration of Independence

Re-released July 4, 2021. Why do we celebrate July 4 as Independence Day when we really became a new nation on July 2, 1776? Besides Thomas Jefferson, who drafted the Declaration of Independence? What role did Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Richard Henry Lee play? What does the Declaration of Independence actually say? Listen to the entire Declaration. Produced by Patriot Week - visit Also check out the upcoming Patrick Henry Dinner at and Judge...

Signers of the Declaration of Independence - Part 3

56 brave men signed the Declaration of Independence. Not all voted for it, and not all who voted for it signed it. Each of the signers was remarkable in his own way, and pledged his life, fortune, and sacred honor. This episode explores the lives of 12 of the signers: John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross, Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas M’Kean, William Floyd, Phillip Livingston, and Francis Lewis. Also check out, Judge Warren’s...

Signers of the Declaration of Independence - Part 2

56 brave men signed the Declaration of Independence. Not all voted for it, and not all who voted for it signed it. Each of the signers was remarkable in his own way, and pledged his life, fortune, and sacred honor. This episode explores the lives of 11 of the signers: Charles Carroll of Carrollton, George With [Wyth], Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, and Benjamin Franklin. Also check...

Free & Independent States - the Declaration of Independence

Learn how the Second Continental Congress called upon the Supreme Judge of the World to support its actions. Understand how colonies and local governments had already declared independence before July 4th, how colonies addressed the issue of independence at Congress, and how Congress moved forward with Richard Henry Lee's resolution for independence. Explore how the colonies declared that they were no longer bound to the English Empire but were free and independent States, and the practical...

Lives, Fortunes, & Sacred Honor - The pledge of the signers of the Declaration of Independence

Learn what the signers of the Declaration of Independence meant in the last sentence of the document: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." Discover the meaning of Divine Providence - that the very hand of God intervened in human affairs. Uncover that pledging one's life and fortune was deadly serious in light of the harsh penalties for treason -...

Lexington & Concord - the Shot Heard 'Round the World - April 19, 1775

Learn the real story of Lexington & Concord on April 19, 1775 and the Shot Heard 'Round the World - which changed America and the world forever. Follow the Patriots and the British during the lead up to Lexington and Concord, and experience the battles first hand. Explore what really happened on Paul Revere's ride, and discover the unsung heroes Dr. Joseph Warren, William Dawes, and others.

For more, visit the Patriot Week Foundation at and...

Petitions Rejected - A Tyrant Revealed and the People of Great Britain Exposed as Enemies

In light of the Declaration of Independence's list of 27 grievances, witness how the colonists repeatedly petitioned the the King and Parliament to address these grievances, and how the King repeatedly ignored them. Discover how this stubborn refusal to address the petitions revealed the true character of the King - he was a tyrant! And the Parliament was fully supporting him. In addition, explore how Congress directly petitioned the people of Great Britain and how they too repeatedly...

Slaves Revolts! American Indians, Convicts, & indentured Servants, plus Impressment

Learn about the penultimate grievance of the Declaration of Independence which involves condemning the impressment of colonial sailors and others into service in the Royal Navy - often a death sentence due to brutal conditions. Understand how this turned Americans into slaves to the Empire and often required them fight their own people. Explore the last grievance of the Declaration of Independence which calls out the British Empire's attempt to turn slaves, convicts, indentured servants, and...

War! Plundering Seas, Burning Towns, & Hessian Mercenaries

Continuing our exploration of the grievances of the Declaration of Independence, the King declares the colonists outside of his protection and declares war on America. Learn how the King unleashed the British navy to plunder the seas, ravage our coasts, burn our turns and destroy the lives of our people. Explore how he hired Hessians and other foreign mercenaries to brutally crush the Americans. Produced by Patriot Week - visit Also check out the upcoming Patrick Henry...

Revoking Charters, Suspending Legislatures & Declaring Parliament Supreme

Learn how the British Empire's crackdown on the colonists included passing the Massachusetts Government Act of 1774, which revoked the long standing Massachusetts Charter. The act eliminated representative government in Massachusetts and installed a military commander (General Gage) as a near dictator answerable only to King George III. Explore how the other colonial legislative assemblies were suspended, crushing the republican form of government. Discover how the Declaratory Act of 1766...

Time for Revolution - When a Long Train of Abuses Invariably Evinces a Design of Absolute Despotism

The Founders believed that Prudence would prevent revolutions so long as evils were sufferable - until the government engaged in a long train of abuses and usurpations revealing a plan to impose absolute despotism on the people. Explore these key long neglected phrases of Declaration of Independence introducing the grievances justifying the American Revolution. Plus the Rolling Stones, Devil Woman, the Lord of the Rings and Dana Carvey! Produced by Patriot Week - visit Also...

Juries suppressed, defendants shipped overseas, and the Canadian threat!

The Declaration of Independence’s list of grievances includes the suppression of the right to a jury trial. Learn how the jury right gradually arose and developed over the centuries in England, and how it became a keystone to justice and liberty. Highlights include the trials of Quaker leader and founder of Pennsylvania William Penn in England and printer John Peter Zenger in New York. Learn how Patrick Henry's appeal to the jury in the Parsons Cause solidified the jury in American lore and...

Presidential Inaugurations - the Constitution, oaths, history, traditions, and speeches

President Elect Joe Biden is about to be sworn in as President in the first virtual Inauguration in history.

What does the Constitution require for a Presidential Inauguration? Learn about the oath of office for the President and other federal and State officials. Why is the oath important?

Explore the traditions of Inaugurations including a public ceremony, balls, parades, open houses, Bibles and Bible passages, the Marine band, clergy and prayers, and speeches.

Listen in on stirring...

Impeachment Round 2 - The Extraordinary Second Impeachment of Donald Trump & the Constitution

President Donald Trump was impeached on January 13, 2021 in the wake of the insurrection, riot, mob, storming (or whatever history will eventually dub) of the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Learn about the 10 reasons why this is unique in the history of impeachments. Explore why Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi chose to impeach President Trump versus using the 25th Amendment and why Representive Liz Cheney broke ranks with her fellow Republican members of the...

25th Amendment - Death, incapacity, and removal of the President and Vice President

Learn about how the original, unamended Constitution addressed the death, removal, or incapacity of the President or Vice President and its three major defects. Explore how the country dealt with those flaws until the adoption of the 25th Amendment in 1967. Review how the illness, incapacity, disability, and grievous injures of Presidents Woodrow Wilson, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, and others were hidden and the implications for history. Walk through the assassination of President John...

Taxation without representation & cutting off trade with the rest of the world

Learn the true story behind taxation without representation, including the Sugar Act (Revenue Act of 1764), the Stamp Act and Stamp Act Congress, the Townsend Acts, the Tea Tax and the Boston Tea Party. Explore mercantilism and how Great Britain cut off the colonies from trade with the rest of the world with enumerated goods and import/export restrictions. Patrick Henry thunders onto the scene with the Virginia Resolves. John Dickenson’s writings makes the constitutional argument against...

Quartering troops, mock trials, standing armies, military superiority, & pretended Parliamentary legislation

Learn how standing armies were a grave threat to American liberty. Explore how subordinating the civil government to military authority violated the unalienable rights of the colonists. Review how England subverted justice to protect their tyrannical regime. Discover the true story about the unjust quartering of troops. Understand how everything Parliament did was illegitimate and pretended legislation. Continue our exploration of the grievances of the Declaration of Independence and how...